Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Lescot, Pierre c.1510/15 - c. 1571/78

Architect whose style provided the basis for the classical tradition of French architecture.

Born in Paris Lescot became one of the greatest architects of France. For the decorations of his buildings he associated himself with the sculptor, Trebatti, a pupil of Michelangelo, and the plastic artist Goujon.

King Francis I appointed him architect of the Louvre in 1546. For remodelling the old bastions of the fortress into a residence three sides of a square court were to be enclosed by living apartments of royal splendour while the fourth or east side was to open with an arcade. Corner pavilions, remarkable for commanding height and adorned by pillars and statues, replaced the medieval towers.
Lescot could only finish the west side and part of the south side. The building of the Louvre was carried on by several masters, and was finally completed under Napoleon I.

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