Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Benjamin Franklin 1706-90 American Statesman

Newspaper editor from Boston who became famous for his scientific work on electricity. In 1754 he planned the federation of American colonies, and he represented Pennsylvania in London for 11 years, returning to America to assist in drawing up the Declaration of Independence.

Benjamin Franklin was Ambassador to France 1777-85, and President of Pennsylvania 1785-88.

He was the only man to sign the three most important documents in U.S. history, namely the Declaration of Independence, the Peace Treaty of Paris in 1783, ending the American Revolutionary War, and the Constitution of the United States of America in 1787.

All his life, Franklin used his curiosity in the development of creative and at the same time practical inventions and in the pursuit of scientific knowledge.

He was a pioneer in the study of electricity, which he understood to be a type of fluid flowing from a positive to a negativ body. Bifocals, the Odometer, the Franklin Stove, and the Lightening Rod are some of his many inventions.

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