Wednesday, December 24, 2008

ABU BAKR c.570 - 634 First Caliph

Abu Bakr was the Prophet Mohammed's closest companion and adviser, and first convert to Islam. His prominence in the community was enhanced by Mohammed's marriage to his daughter A'ishah and also when Abu Bakr was the prophet's companion on the journey to Medina in 622.

After Mohammed died (632), an assembly of Moslems in Mecca elected Abu Bakr as the first 'khalifat rasul Allah' (successor of the Prophet of God), or caliph.

Under him the collection of Mohammed's revelations was recorded in the Koran. Abu Bakr suppressed tribal uprisings and brought central Arabia under Moslem control, after which he directed Arab armies into Iraq and Syria initiating thus the Moslem conquests.

ABUL ABBAS 722 - 754 Arab Caliph

Abul al-Abbas as-Saffah was a descendant of Mohammed's family. Abul Abbas led the Abbasid revolution that overthrew the Omyyads in 749.

He eliminated the corrupt power of the Omayyads in Damascus and initiated the dynasty of the Abbasids. Abbas safeguarded his victory by killing most of the surviving members of the Omyyad house.

The Omyyads had governed from Damascus, leaving Mecca only its religious predominance. The Abbasids founded a new city, Baghdad, from which to rule their territories. There remained only one province which refused to recognize the Abbasids, that was Spain. There, one of the few Omayyads to survive founded an independent state in 756.

Islamic Science

During the ninth and tenth century learned men in the schools of Cordoba in Spain were corresponding with learned men in Cairo, Baghdad and Bukhara.

In Baghdad Al-Karismi developed the decimal system by using the Indian notion of Zero, and he invented the term 'algebra'. His works were instrumental in introducing the subjects of algebra and Hindu numerals into European mathematics.

Al-Hassan was a famous optician in Cairo who was the first to recognize the optical nerve in the human eye.

Ibn Sina (Avicenna) from Bukhara collected in over 100 books the entire scientific knowledege of his time and is called the 'Prince of Science'. His 'Canon of Medicine' is among the most famous books in the history of medicine.

Al-Biruni of Ghazni traveled in India and corresponded with Ibn Sina. Conversant in Turkish, Persian, Sanskrit, Hebrew and Arabic Al-Biruni became the most important interpreter of Indian science to Islam. In astronomical works he discussed the theory of the earth's rotation on its axis, and in geography he advanced the visionary view that the Indus valley had once been a sea basin.

Al-Battani of Harran carried out astronomical observations in Syria and wrote on mathematics, improving the calculation for sinus functions. His great astronomical work 'De motu stellarum' exercised a great influence on European astronomy. He determined the exact solar year to within a few seconds of today's estimates.

Abu Kasim was a physician in Cordoba, Spain. He was the most famous physician of his time and he treated patients from all over Europe. He employed vivisection of animals for his research, and wrote a standard text book on surgery.

CONSTANTINE 280 - 337 Roman Emperor

Constantine the Great brought the moral force of Christianity to revive the spirit of the declining empire and he decided to create a new capital at Byzantium, which was renamed Constantinople.

Constantine was brought up at the court of Diocletian. After a series of civil wars Constantine became first western emperor (by his time the empire was ruled by two co-emperors) and then sole emperor (324). He ascribed his success to a vision of a Christian cross and began favourable treatment of Christians.

As the Christian church grew in power disputes arose. The dispute over the question of Trinity threatened to split the church.

L-GHAZALI 1058 - 1111 Arab Reformer

Al Ghazali was a Muslim jurist, theologian and mystic. He was born in Iran, but educated in Baghdad.

He taught philosophy and religion in Baghdad but later adopted a monastic existence after a spiritual crisis. His influential work 'The Revival of the Religious Sciences' made Sufism (mysticism in Islam) an acceptable part of orthodox Islam.

Al-Ghazali attempted to surmount all the differences between faith and knowledge by rejecting rigid dogmas in Islam. He stressed the importance of genuine Sufism which he maintained was the path to attain the absolute truth. In contrast to al-Farabi (870-950), he portrayed the inability of reason to comprehend the absolute and the infinite

MOHAMMED c.570 - 632 Prophet

Mohammed was the founder and Prophet of Islam and of a political unit at Medina that developed into the Arab empire, or Caliphate.

In 610 Mohammed had a vision in which he was taken on a journey to Jerusalem and thence through the heavens to Allah and instructed in his mission.

In Mecca, he began to preach the omnipotence of Allah, the impending day of judgment, and the necessity of complete obedience to Allah's will. He summed up his message under the name of Islam, that is 'submission to Allah'.

The new Prophet was at first rejected by the people of Mecca and he had to flee to Medina. This event, the 'Hegira' marks the beginning of the Islamic calendar (622). Eventually Mohammed returned to Mecca and then went on to unite all of Arabia under the banner of Islam.

Ranjit Singh 1780-1839 Sikh Leader

Known as 'the Lion of the Punjab' he seized Lahore and made himself maharajah in 1801. His aim to unite all Sikh territories in India was thwarted by the British. He inflicted many defeats on Afghans and Pathans in the 1820s and 1830s, and jointly with the British invaded Afghanistan in 1838.

Theodore Roosevelt 1858-1919 US President

Writer, explorer and soldier before entering politics in 1881. He became Assistant Navy Secreatary, then led the US Rough Riders in Cuba during the Spanish-American War. Governor of New York, then Vice-President.

He succeeded to the presidency in 1900 after the assassination of President McKinley. He acquired the Panama Canal Zone in 1903; left office in 1909, and failed to win back the presidency in 1912.

Adolf Hitler 1889 - 1945 German Politician

Hitler was the leader of the National Socialist German Worker's Party (Nazi) and the Fuhrer of the Third Reich. Historically he may be called the most destructive man of the 20th century and his reckless war policy contributed greatly to the decline of Europe as the center of world affairs.

In 1933, in the midst of the depression, Hitler's Nazi party won the most seats in the Reichstag (parliament). Shortly after the election the Nazis set the Reichstag building afire and blamed it on the communists. The communists were expelled from parliament, and the remaining deputies granted Hitler dictatorial powers.

Hitler immediately eliminated his political opponents and began rearmament. Hitler had long argued that the future of the German race could only be assured by colonizing large territories in the East and settling them with Germans.

The expansion of German territory began in 1938 when Hitler's army marched first into Austria, and then into Czechoslovakia. The invasion of Poland in 1939 triggered the second World War, a war that lasted for almost five years and cost the lives of nearly fifty million people.

Benjamin Franklin 1706-90 American Statesman

Newspaper editor from Boston who became famous for his scientific work on electricity. In 1754 he planned the federation of American colonies, and he represented Pennsylvania in London for 11 years, returning to America to assist in drawing up the Declaration of Independence.

Benjamin Franklin was Ambassador to France 1777-85, and President of Pennsylvania 1785-88.

He was the only man to sign the three most important documents in U.S. history, namely the Declaration of Independence, the Peace Treaty of Paris in 1783, ending the American Revolutionary War, and the Constitution of the United States of America in 1787.

All his life, Franklin used his curiosity in the development of creative and at the same time practical inventions and in the pursuit of scientific knowledge.

He was a pioneer in the study of electricity, which he understood to be a type of fluid flowing from a positive to a negativ body. Bifocals, the Odometer, the Franklin Stove, and the Lightening Rod are some of his many inventions.

Sukarno 1901-70 Indonesian Statesman

As a leader of the Indonesian Nationalist party Sukarno was imprisoned by the Dutch colonial authorities (1933-42). He was released by the Japanese and cooperated with them. After WW II he proclaimed himself President and spent the next four years to drive out the Dutch. In 1963 he declared himself President for life. His cooperation with the Chinese dominated Indonesian Communists led to a bloody military coup in 1965. He was disposed and kept under house arrest until his death.

CHENG-HO c.1371 - c.1433 Chinese Admiral


Chinese admiral and commander of several famous naval expedition.

In 1405 his fleet of 300 ships and 27,000 men visited Vietnam, Siam, Java, Ceylon, and the West coast of India. Returning in 1407, Cheng made six more such voyages in the following 24 years, sailing all the way to Arabia and Egypt. From his voyages Cheng brought home the envoys of over 30 states to pay homage to the Chinese Emperor.

But there followed no world conquest because the Ming emperor was convinced that China was the centre of the world and therefore had nothing to gain from contact with the barbarians. Cheng-ho was forbidden to go to sea again, his records were burnt, and the memory of his phantastic sea voyages faded.

Galilei Galileo 1564 - 1642 Italian Scientist

Galileo was renowned for his epochmaking contribution to physics, astronomy, and scientific philosophy. He is regarded as the Chief founder of modern science.

Galileo was born in Pisa, Italy. He studied medicine at Pisa University, and became professor of mathematics at Padua, where he improved the refracting telescope, with which he found craters on the moon and the moons of Jupiter.

He also observed the phases of Venus which indicated that the planets circled around the sun rather than the earth.

Lescot, Pierre c.1510/15 - c. 1571/78

Architect whose style provided the basis for the classical tradition of French architecture.

Born in Paris Lescot became one of the greatest architects of France. For the decorations of his buildings he associated himself with the sculptor, Trebatti, a pupil of Michelangelo, and the plastic artist Goujon.

King Francis I appointed him architect of the Louvre in 1546. For remodelling the old bastions of the fortress into a residence three sides of a square court were to be enclosed by living apartments of royal splendour while the fourth or east side was to open with an arcade. Corner pavilions, remarkable for commanding height and adorned by pillars and statues, replaced the medieval towers.
Lescot could only finish the west side and part of the south side. The building of the Louvre was carried on by several masters, and was finally completed under Napoleon I.

Dore, Gustave 1832-1883

French artist and book illustrator

Gustave Dore provided many literary masterpieces with dramatic and inventive illustrations. These include the Bible, the works of Rabelais and Balzac, Dante's 'Divine Comedy' and Cervantes' 'Don Quixote'.

For some years Dore was a constant contributor to the 'Journal pour Rire'. Later in life he devoted himself to the production of large pictures on religious subjects, such as 'The Dream of Pilate's Wife','The Entry into Jerusalem', and 'Ecce Homo'.

perahu yang terbelah

Tono dan Tino adalah anak kembar. Tono mempunyai perahu dayung yang udah tua dan Tino mempunyai seorang istri. Kebetulan suatu hari istrinya si Tino itu meninggal bersamaan dengan hari tenggelamnya perahu dayung si Tono itu.

Beberapa hari kemudian seorang wanita tua melihat Tono, dan secara tidak sengaja salah mengenalinya sebagai Tino yang kehilangan istrinya itu.
Kata wanita itu kepada Tono, “Saya turut sedih atas kehilangan anda. Anda pasti merasa sedih.”

Nah si Tono mengira bahwa wanita itu berbicara tentang perahu dayungnya itu, menjawab “Sebenarnya sih saya bisa dibilang malah senang karena bisa menyingkirkannya. Dia sudah amat tua sekali bahkan sudah jelek dari pertama kalinya. Bagian bawahnya sudah lapuk dan berbau amis sekali.

Bagian punggungnyapun sudah sangat jelek dan lubang di bagian depannya sudah sangat lebar. Setiap kali aku menggunakannya, lubangnya bertambah besar dan dia bocor tidak karuan. Saya kira yang mengakhirinya adalah ketika saya menyewakan dia kepada 4 orang pemuda yang sedang bersenang-senang tempo hari.

Saya sudah memperingatkan mereka bahwa dia sudah tidak begitu enak dipakai tapi mereka masih juga mau menggunakannya. Mereka berempat mencoba masuk ke dalam bersamaan dan akhirnya dia terbelah persis di tengah-tengah.”

Wanita tua itupun pingsan…

Kenapa harus bola hitam dan putih????????

Ceritanya ada seorang anak cowok tunggal yang ditinggal mati nyokapnya pas
ngelahirin dia. Sejak itu bokapnya jadi amat sangat workaholic sekali dan nggak married2 lagi.

Ini anak tapi baek hati dan lemah lembut walopun cuma bareng pengasuh aja.
Pas TK, sementara anak2 laen udah punya sepeda dia masih jalan kaki.
Pengasuhnya ngadu ke bokapnya, "Tuan, nggak kasian sama den Bagus ? Masa sepeda nggak punya... apa tuan juga nggak malu?"

Iya..nih..bokapnya tuh tajir banget deh. Punya sekian perusahaan.. maka
dipanggillah si anak, ditawarin mau sepeda yang kayak gimana merek apa..dan
si anak cuma bilang, "Nggak usah repot2 pi, aku dibeliin bola item bola putih aja.."
Lho kok gitu? Bingung dong bokapnya. "Kenapa bola item dan putih?"
"Nggak usah diterangin deh pi. Kalo papi punya uang yaa..beliin itu aja."
Yah, mengingat mereka nggak pernah ngobrol, jadi papinya nerima2 aja. Nggak
berminat lanjutin, maka dibeliin lah tu anak sepeda generasi terbaru saat
itu, yang paling canggih, plus bola item dan bola putih.

Trus ni anak masuk SD lah. Pas itu musim sepatu roda. Sekian lama pengasuh
pratiin, ni anak nggak minta2 dibeliin sepatu roda sama papinya. Sore2 cuma
duduk aja. Sepedanya juga ditaruh di gudang. Lagi nggak musim.
Pengasuhnya laporan pandangan mata dong ke tuannya hingga si anak dipanggil lagi. "Nak, kamu mau dibeliin sepatu roda kayak temen2 kamu? kok nggak bilang2 papi. Nggak masalah cuma beli sepatu roda aja...".

Si anak bilang,"nggak pi, bola item dan bola putih saya udah rusak..
dibeliin lagi aja..nggak usah beli sepatu roda. Lagian lebih murah bola kan
pi?" papi geram dong. Ni anak ngeremehin papinya sendiri, atau sok
merendah ? So, tetep si papi beliin sepatu roda, plus bola item dan bola putih.

Selang beberapa taun, ni anak masuk SMP. Cerita sama terulang. Sekarang
temen2nya musim rollerblade. Tren baru.
Sementara sore hari, dia masih setia sama sepatu rodanya.
Pas bokapnya pulang dari luar negri dan ngeliat anaknya doang yang pake
sepatu roda, si papi malu banget. Gila, rumah gedong, perusahaan banyak,
keluar negri terus...eeh anaknya ketinggalan jaman.

Besoknya, di kamar anaknya udah ada sepasang roller blade baru dengan note:
"Biar kamu nggak malu".
Malemnya di ruang kerja papinya ada note balesan: "Pi, kok nggak beliin bola
item dan bola putih? Aku lebih suka itu."
Weleh, si papi pas liat note itu dongkol tambah bingung. Apaan sih
istimewanya bola item dan bola putih?

Emang bisa bikin die beken atau nge-tren? Besoknya dan besoknya lagi si papi
berkali2 nemuin note itu...hingga dia nggak tahan dan membelikan anaknya
bola item dan bola putih untuk kesekian kalinya. Bener, setelah dapet tu
bola, si anak nggak ngerongrong bokapnya lagi.

Pas SMA, yang jaraknya rada jauh, si anak masih berbis ria, temen2nya udah
ada yang bawa motor en mobil ke sekolahan.
Suatu hari, tumben papinya di rumah, si anak pulang dianterin temennya yang
mau ditebengin. Papi malu banget.

Masa cuma untuk anak satu nggak bisa beliin mobil? Maka ditawarin anaknya.
Si anak nolak dengan alasan mobil kurang praktis, lagian pengen bola item
bola putih aja. Si bapak nggak terima penolakan. Karna anaknya udah gede,
bisa berunding.

Hingga tercetus keputusan si anak dibeliin motor plus bola item dan bola
putih tentunya. Dan si bapak kesel juga dunk.
Udah berapa taun dia beberapa kali beliin dua macem bola itu tanpa tau

Tapi si anak nggak ada keinginan dan kemauan ngasih tau sih.
Hingga tibalah masa kuliah. Karna seneng dan bangga masuk PTN, si anak
dikadoin mobil. Sampe beberapa bulan si anak masih naek motoor aja. Kuliah,
pacaran, naek motor aja.

Pacarnya juga bingung, kan dia punya mobil? Ditanya sama pacarnya, dijawab,
abis papi nggak beliin bola item bola putih. Nggak ngerti anak sendiri sih!
So, pas makan malem bersama, si pacar bilang sama papi, kenapa si oom nggak beliin bola item bola putih. Si papi sebenernya sensitif sama para bola itu..huh..sampe pacar anak gue nyuruh2..ditanya dong kenapa.

Si pacar bilang kalo mobilnya nggak akan dipake selama nggak dikasih bola
itu juga. Papi bingung dong, di kamar anaknya udah segitu banyak bola item
bola putih. Buat apa sih, pikir papi. Tapi demi gengsi, anak orang lho yang
nanya, maka besoknya udah ada bola item bola putih buat anaknya.
Suatu hari anaknya gaul ke puncak bawa mobil, sama pacarnya.
Yah, namanya anak muda, pas lagi di jalan, si pacar nyium dia en dia jadi
grogi dan kecelakaan!!! Segera di bawa ke rumah sakit si papi juga ditelpon
sama rumah sakitnya.

Tabrakannya parah. Mereka berdua nggak ada yang pake seatbelt, yang cewek mati seketika dan ni cowok udah sekarat.

Si papi dateng ke RS.."gimana dok, anak saya?"
Dokter (dengan tampang empati penuh duka cita) :"Maaf pak, kami tidak dapat berbuat banyak.. sepertinya memang sudah waktunya... sebaiknya bapak manfaatkan waktu terakhir.."

Perlahan si bapak masuk, nyamperin anaknya. "Pap, maafin saya..nggak hati2
bawa mobilnya.."
Si anak juga nangis karna pacarnya nggak tertolong. Si papi nenangin
dia...akrablah dua manusia itu beberapa saat. Hingga si papi beranggapan ini
saat terakhir. Dia inget penasaran dia tentang kenapa si anak selama ini
selalu minta bola item bola putih.

"Nak, maafin papi selama ini yang selalu sibuk..kamu jadi kesepian..maafin
papi, nak. Nggak sempet jadi orang tua yang baik."
Anaknya jawab,"nggak apa-apa pi, saya ngerti kok..Cuma sempet kesel kalo
papi punya uang lebih malah beliin yang macem2....saya cuma minta bola item
dan bola putih aja kan?"


(pembaca juga penasaran ya..?)

Si anak jawab dengan terpatah2 dan susah banget, abis udah sekarat dan
masanya udah hampir sampe... "sebab pi...saya..."
Kepalanya rebah dan nafasnya ilang. Si anak udah meninggal sebelum kasih tau

Nah, si papi aja yang udah hidup bareng anaknya nggak tau...apalagi saya
yang cuma bercerita?
penasaran kan...saya juga korban hehhehe....

Naek Unta

Suatu ketika, seorang lelaki kaya raya bernama Pak Kardi, berjalan-jalan ke Arab untuk berlibur.
Ia pergi dengan heli pribadi'a..
Saat ada angin kencang,,,, wuuusssshh, heli pun terguncang, dan pak Kardi jatuh..

Geebbrrruuuuukkk... Adduuuuhh.. Ia jatuh di dekat seorang penjual unta, di gurun..
Pak Kardi bingung,, ahh, gmn niech??
Dia mendekati sang penjual unta untuk membelinya dan dijadikan alat transportasi..
Untung lah si penjual unta mau menerima uang rupiah..

Pak Kardi berusaha mengatakan "berapa harga unta ini??" dengan menggunakan bhs isayrat, karena ia tak bisa berbahasa Arab..

"Hmmm. 11,5 juta rufiah.."
"Ebuseedd!! 9 juta?"

"11 Juta.."
"9 juta??

"10,5 juta"
"9 juta..?"

"10 juta?
"9 juta??"

"9,5 juta??"
"9 juta!!!" kata pak Kardi mulai kesal..

Baiklah, 9 juta..

Yyyeeeee, punya unta... Bagaimana mengendalikannya..?

"Belok kanan= Insya Allah
Belok kiri= Subhanallah
Maju= Alhamdulillah
Mundur= Laillahailallah..
Stop= Innalilahi" jelas si penjual.


Alhamdulillah!! Sang unta pun berlari kencang..

Alhamdulillah!!! Si unta lebih kencang..
Subhanallah!! si unta belok kiri..
Weeehh,, asik!!

Gak sadar, mereka sampai di sebuah jutang yang dalem bbuuuuanngggggeeetttt...

Chiiiiiittt,, si unta berenti mendadak

Pfuhh,, selamat,, Alhamdulillah....


Mereka pun masuk ke jurang..


C : calon pegawai
H : Kamu sudah punya rumah ?
C : Belum pak !
H : Wah nggak bisa diterima di sini
C : Lho kok gitu .. ?
H : Pasti nanti kamu ngajuin utang ke perusahaan.
C : Ah.. nggak kok, sebenarnya khan ortu saya cukup kaya pak
H : Oh gitu … malah nggak keterima
C : Lho kok gitu …..?
H : Kayaknya kamu kerja Cuma hiburan .. nggak bener2 .. malah godain karyawan cewek

———— ——— ———
H : Kamu punya motor nggak ?
C : Nggak, pak.
H : Wah nggak keterima
C : Lho kok gitu … ?
H : Soalnya nanti kamu pasti minta bantuan kredit.
C : Sebenarnya punya sih, tetapi di kampung. Nanti bisa saya bawa ke sini
H : Wah malah nggak diterima….
C : lho kok ?
H : Soalnya tempat parkirnya sudah nggak cukup
———— ——— ———
H : kamu sudah lulus sarjana beneran….. ?
c : Sudah pak….
H : Ya sudah, nggak diterima ?
c : Sebenarnya masih belum sih …. masih selesaikan skripsi
H : Malah ga keterima…..
c : Lho gimana sih bapak ini ….?
H : Nanti kerjaanmu Cuma ngetik skripsi, setelah lulus malah nglamar tempat lain.
———— ——— ———
H : Kamu suka bercanda nggak ?
C : Nggak pak, saya serius kalau kerja.
H : Ndak diterima …..
C : waa……kok gitu ?
H : nanti temen2mu pada stress.
C : Sebenarnya sih sedikit2 saya juga senang bercanda
H : Malah nggak diterima .
C : Lho kok……
H : Nanti kerjaanmu cuma bikin email emailan yang lucu…….
———— ——— ———
H : Tadi kamu naik apa ke sini ?
C : naik mobil pak
H : Wah ya ndak diterima
C : Kenapa gitu ?
H : Lho jelas … BBM naik terus. Nanti kamu minta gaji naik teus
C : Lha saya tadi Cuma numpang temen kok
H : Tambah nggak diterima
C : Lho, kok … ?
H : Lebih jelas … nanti kamu suka nebeng mobil kantor…ngrepotin!
———— ——— ———
H : Anakmu berapa ?
C : lima pak
H : wah ya ndak diterima di sini
C : Kenapa gitu ?
H : Lha... kerja saja blm beres kok bikin anak banyak2.
C : Lha... anak itu saya adopsi, kok.
H : Tambah nggak diterima
C : Lho kok … ?
H : Bikin anak saja ogah2an, apalagi kerja keras
———— ——— ———
H : Kamu sudah tahu pekerjaanmu ?
C : Belum
H : Ya jelas nggak diterima
C : Lho kok gitu ?
H : Lha kamu mau kerja belum ngerti apa yang mau dikerjakan ?
C : ya…secara garis besar tahulah pak ….
H : Tambah nggak keterima
C : Lho, lha kok … ?
H : Yang tahu garis besar itu Cuma bos… Memangnya kamu mau jadi boss ??
———— ——— ———
H : Kamu sering sakit nggak ?
C : Nggak pak
H : Lha nggak keterima
C : Kok aneh ?
H : Kalau nggak pernah sakit berarti kamu banyak waktu olah raga … berarti kerjamu kurang.
C : Wah, sebenarnya agak sering juga flu ..
H : Tambah nggak keterima
C : Lho, kok … ?
H : Kantor ini khan bukan untuk orang sakit-sakitan.
———— ——— ———
H : Kamu bisa Internet ?
C : Nggak bisa pak
H : Ya nggaka keterima
C : kenapa pak ?
H : Perusahaan tidak terima orang2 BI (Buta Internet)
C : Sebenarnya bisa sih pak
H : Tambah nggak keterima
C : Lho, lha kok … ?
H : Pasti kamu nggak akan kerja … internetan terus. Habis2in pulsa saja
———— ——— ———
H: Kamu sebenarnya waras nggak ?
C : Lha? ya waras Pak.
H : Nggak diterima .
C : Kok aneh pak …..?
H : Pasti nggak kerasan di sini karena di sini gila2 …
C : Saya juga rada gila kok pak …
H : Malah nggak diterima ..
C : Lho gimana sih pak ….?
H : Nanti jadi sainganku… ……

mbah marijan

Seorang gadis merasa kurang pede dengan dadanya yg rata. Dia cari tahu dimana tempat membesarkannya, seorang temannya kasih info kalau Mbah Marijan paling ahli soal itu, dan caranya juga gampang sekali.

"Kamu datangi dia, lalu bilang ,'Mbah...maukah Mbah tidur dengan saya?' Dia akan jawab 'Tidak'. Nah. kalo dia ngomong 'tidak', kamu pulang dan malamnya dadamu pasti gedean"

Lalu pergilah si cewek menemui Mbah Marijan. Setelah berbasa basi dia langsung bilang, "Mbah, maukah Mbah tidur dengan saya?"

"Tidak", jawab Mbah Marijan.

Segera si cewek pulang dan malamnya dia cek, ehhh benar, kedua benda berharganya membesar. Tapi dia merasa kurang puas dengan pembesarannya, maka dia kembali pergi mengunjungi Mbah Marijan.

Begitu sampai langsung dia mengucapkan kalimat yang sama. Kembali Mbah Marijan bilang "Tidak"

Malamnya di rumah, dia merasakan sesuatu dan setelah dia buka baju, wow, dadanya makin membusung saja. 34B. Tapi si cewek masih belum puas kalau tidak mencapai 36D

Sekali lagi dia menempuh perjalanan ke tempat Mbah Marijan, dan berkata "Mbah, maukah Mbah tidur dengan saya?"

Kali ini Mbah marijan berkata dengan marah, "Mbah sudah bilang tidak, tidak dan kali ini Mbah tegaskan lagi: TIDAK! TIDAK! TIDAAAAK!TIDAAAAAAAAAAAAAAKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!

Kemarahan Presiden Iraq

Peristiwa pelemparan sepatu oleh wartawan kepada Presiden Bush menuai kontroversi. Di Iraq sendiri, warga mengaku senang karena orang nomor 1 yang sudah lengser dari Gedung Putih ini dituding sebagai biangkerok kekacauan di Iraq.

Tetapi Presiden Iraq dalam konferensi pers mengaku marah dengan tindakan tersebut. Kepada wartawan dia mengatakan:

Presiden : "Saya sangat kecewa dengan ulah wartawan kita yang sembrono tadi. Saya meminta kepada aparat supaya ditindak tegas."

Wartawan : "Bukankah rekan saya tadi mewakili kekecewaan rakyat Iraq atas perbuatan Bush selama ini...?"

Presiden : "Itu tindakan bodoh dan hanya memalukan bangsa kita...."

Wartawan : "Bukankah itu suatu keberanian melempar sepatu kepada presiden Amerika?"

Presiden : "Soal keberaniannya memang saya suka, tapi sudah melempar 2 x masih meleset itu yang membuat saya marah...."

Wartawan : ......????

sejarah capoeira

Capoeira merupakan sebuah olah raga bela diri yang dikembangkan oleh para budak Afrika di Brasil pada sekitar tahun 1500-an. Gerakan dalam capoeira menyerupai tarian dan bertitik berat pada tendangan. Pertarungan dalam capoeira biasanya diiringi oleh musik dan disebut Jogo. Capoeira sering dikritik karena banyak orang meragukan keampuhannya dalam pertarungan sungguhan, dibanding seni bela diri lainnya seperti Karate atau Taekwondo.

Capoeira adalah sebuah sistem bela diri tradisional yang didirikan di Brazil oleh budak-budak Afrika yang dibawa oleh orang-orang Portugis ke Brazil untuk bekerja di perkebunan-perkebunan besar. Pada zaman dahulu mereka melalukan latihan dengan diiringi oleh alat-alat musik tradisional, seperti berimbau (sebuah lengkungan kayu dengan tali senar yang dipukul dengan sebuah kayu kecil untuk menggetarkannya) dan atabaque (gendang besar), dan ini juga lebih mudah bagi mereka untuk menyembunyikan latihan mereka dalam berbagai macam aktivitas seperti kesenangan dalam pesta yang dilakukan oleh para budak di tempat tinggal mereka yang bernama senzala.

Ketika seorang budak melarikan diri ia akan dikejar oleh “pemburu” profesional bersenjata yang bernama capitães-do-mato (kapten hutan). Biasanya capoeira adalah satu-satunya bela diri yang dipakai oleh budak tersebut untuk mempertahankan diri. Pertarungan mereka biasanya terjadi di tempat lapang dalam hutan yang dalam bahasa tupi-guarani (salah satu bahasa pribumi di Brazil) disebut caá-puêra – beberapa ahli sejarah berpendapat bahwa inilah asal dari nama seni bela diri tersebut. Mereka yang sempat melarikan diri berkumpul di desa-desa yang dipagari yang bernama quilombo, di tempat yang susah dicapai. Quilombo yang paling penting adalah Palmares yang mana penduduknya pernah sampai berjumlah sepuluh ribu dan bertahan hingga kurang lebih selama enam puluh tahun melawan kekuasaan yang mau menginvasi mereka. Ketua mereka yang paling terkenal bernama Zumbi.
Ketika hukum untuk menghilangkan perbudakan muncul dan Brazil mulai mengimport pekerja buruh kulit putih dari negara-negara seperti Portugal, Spanyol dan Italia untuk bekerja di pertanian, banyak orang negro terpaksa berpindah tempat tinggal ke kota-kota, dan karena banyak dari mereka yang tidak mempunyai pekerjaan mulai menjadi penjahat.

Capoeira, yang sudah menjadi urban dan mulai dipelajari oleh orang-orang kulit putih, di kota-kota seperti Rio de Janeiro, Salvador da Bahia dan Recife, mulai dilihat oleh publik sebagai permainan para penjahat dan orang-orang jalanan, maka muncul hukum untuk melarang Capoeira. Sepertinya pada waktu itulah mereka mulai menggunakan pisau cukur dalam pertarungannya, ini merupakan pengaruh dari pemain capoeira yang berasal dari Portugal dan menyanyikan fado (musik tradisional Portugis yang mirip dengan keroncong). Pada waktu itu juga beberapa sektor yang rasis dari kaum elit Brazil berteriak melawan pengaruh Afrika dalam kebudayaan negara, dan ingin “memutihkan” negara mereka.
Setelah kurang lebih setengah abad berada dalam klandestin, dan orang-orang mepelajarinya di jalan-jalan tersembunyi dan di halaman-halaman belakang rumah, Manuel dos Reis Machado, Sang Guru (Mestre) Bimba, mengadakan sebuah pertunjukan untuk Getúlio Vargas, presiden Brazil pada waktu itu, dan ini merupakan permulaan yang baru untuk capoeira. Mulai didirikan akademi-akademi, agar publik dapat mempelajari permainan capoeira. Nama-nama yang paling penting pada masa itu adalah Vicente Ferreira Pastinha (Sang Guru Pastinha), yang mengajarkan aliran “Angola”, yang sangat tradisional, dan Mestre Bimba, yang mendirikan aliran dengan beberapa inovasi yang ia namakan “Regional”.

Sejak masa itu hingga masa sekarang capoeira melewati sebuah perjalanan yang panjang. Saat ini capoeira dipelajari hampir di seluruh dunia, dari Portugal sampai ke Norwegia, dari Amerika Serikat sampai ke Australia, dari Indonesia sampai ke Jepang. Di Indonesia capoeira sudah mulai dikenal banyak orang, disamping kelompok yang ada di Yogyakarta, juga terdapat beberapa kelompok di Jakarta. Banyak pemain yang yang berminat mempelajari capoeira karena lingkungannya yang santai dan gembira, tidak sama dengan disiplin keras yang biasanya terdapat dalam sistem bela diri dari Timur. Seperti yang pernah dikatakan oleh seorang penulis besar dari Brazil Jorge Amado, ini “pertarungan yang paling indah di seluruh dunia, karena ini juga sebuah tarian”.

Dalam capoeira teknik gerakan dasar dimulai dari “ginga” dan bukan dari posisi berhenti yang merupakan karateristik dari karate, taekwondo, pencak silat, wushu kung fu, dll…; ginga adalah gerakan-gerakan tubuh yang berkelanjutan dan bertujuan untuk mencari waktu yang tepat untuk menyerang atau mempertahankan diri, yang sering kali adalah menghindarkan diri dari serangan. Dalam roda para pemain capoeira mengetes diri mereka, lewat permainan pertandingan, di tengah lingkaran yang dibuat oleh para pemain musik dengan alat-alat musik Afrika dan menyanyikan bermacam-macam lagu, dan pemain lainnya bertepuk tangan dan menyanyikan bagian refrein. Lirik lagu-lagu itu tentang sejarah kesenian tersebut, guru besar pada waktu dulu dan sekarang, tentang hidup dalam masa perbudakan, dan perlawanan mencapai kemerdekaan. Gaya bermain musik mempunyai perbedaan ritme untuk bermacam-macam permainan capoeira, ada yang perlahan dan ada juga yang cepat.

Capoeira tidak saja menjadi sebuah kebudayaan, tetapi juga sebuah olahraga nasional Brazil, dan para guru dari negara tersebut membuat capoeira menjadi terus menerus lebih internasional, mengajar di kelompok-kelompok mahasiswa, bermacam-macam fitness center, organisasi-organisasi kecil, dll. Siswa-siswa mereka belajar menyanyikan lagu-lagu Capoeira dengan bahasa Portugis – “Capoeira é prá homi, / mininu e mulhé…” (Capoeira untuk laki-laki, / anak-anak dan perempuan).

Di Indonesia, sama seperti di negara-negara yang lain, kemungkinan Capoeira akan semakin berkembang.


Pada suatu saat di Piala Dunia, Indonesia bertemu Brasil di final. Indonesia menang telak 10-0 dari Brasil.
Karena malu sang kapten Ronaldo dan wakil kapten Ronaldinho, mereka berdua menyamar agar tidak digebuki oleh masyarakat Brasil yang kecewa.

Hari Pertama:
Ronaldinho menyamar jadi ibu-ibu, lalu dia bertemu dengan nenek-nenek dan nenek-nenek itu bertanya, ? Kamu Ronaldinho kan????.
Lalu dengan sekejap ronaldinho pun lari terbirit-birit.

Hari Kedua:
Ronaldinho menyamar kembali, sekarang menjadi tukang jualan makanan, dan lagi-lagi dia bertemu dengan nenek-nenek itu.
Nenek-nenek itu kemudian bertanya lagi, ? Kamu Ronaldinho kan????.
Lalu Ronaldinho pun lari lagi.

Pada Hari Ketiga:
Ronaldinho dengan penuh percaya diri dia menyamar jadi nenek-nenek juga, dan dia bertemu lagi dengan nenek-nenek tersebut, dan terjadi percakapan.
Nenek-nenek: Kamu Ronaldinho kan???
Ronaldinho: (Dengan tampang menyerah) Iyah gwe Ronaldinho, kok bisa tahu?? Emang eloe siapa..?
Nenek-nenek: Gwe Ronaldo goblok..!!

Tentang bangsa kita

Pada suatu hari sebuah surat kabar menerbitkan berita utama dengan judul besar-besar di halaman depan.

"50% Pejabat Tinggi Kita Koruptor"

Tentu saja penanggung jawabnya mendapat teguran keras dan harus meralat beritanya, kalau tidak, surat izin terbitnya akan dicabut.

Maka keesokan harinya dimuatlah ralat berita sehari sebelumnya:

"Dengan ini kami meralat berita utama kemarin yang berjudul "50% Pejabat Tinggi Kita Koruptor", yang ternyata tidak benar. Yang benar adalah: "50% Pejabat Tinggi Kita Bukan Koruptor."

Kekurangan & kelebihan

Seorang anak Emigran Afrika pulang dari salah satu sekolah di Madrid dengan menangis. Sang ibu menanyainya.
Ibu : Kenapa kau menangis,Nak?
Anak: Barusan aku diolok-olok teman2ku,katanya rambutku keriting & kulitku hitam..
Ibu : Ga apa2 Nak...kamu harus sabar. Kita diciptakan dengan membawa kekurangan & kelebihan sendiri2.
Anak : Trus Kekuranganku apa Bu?
Ibu : Ya... rambutmu kurang lurus hingga keriting gak karuan itu..
Anak : Kelebihanku?
Ibu : Kamu lebih hitam dari teman-temanmu.
Anak : ???###???!!!***

Tiga pria meninggal dan masuk surga.

Tiga pria meninggal dan masuk surga.

Surga mempunyai peraturan bahwa setiap orang baik jahat maupun orang baik akan mendapat kendaraan yang pantas dengan perbuatannya.
Lelaki pertama tiba dan malaikat bertanya, "Berapa tahun kamu menikah?"
Jawab lelaki pertama, "20 tahun" "Berapa kali kamu mengkhianati istrimu?" Jawab lelaki pertama, "5 kali"
"Baiklah," jawab sang malaikat, "Kamu boleh masuk tapi hanya mendapat Kijang"

Lelaki pertamapun berlalu dengan Kijangnya.

Berikutnya adalah lelaki kedua. "Berapa tahun kamu menikah?"
Jawab lelaki kedua, "30 tahun" "Berapa kali kamu mengkhianati istrimu?" "2 kali"
"Lumayan... Kamu pantas mendapatkan BMW"

Tibalah kini lelaki ketiga dan malaikatpun mengajukan pertanyaan yang sama yang di jawab si lelaki ketiga, "50 tahun"
"Berapa kali kamu mengkhianati istrimu?" "Tidak pernah" "Luar biasa!
Ini kunci untuk Ferrari"

Suatu hari, tatkala lelaki pertama dan kedua tadi tengah mengendarai mobilnya, mereka melihat lelaki ketiga duduk di tepi jalan sambil menangis.

Mereka menghampirinya dan bertanya "Ngapain kamu nangis? ga' puas sama Ferrari ?"

Jawab lelaki ketiga sambil mengusap air matanya, "Tadi aku berpapasan dengan istriku yang sedang naik sepeda"

Si Otong melihat Belut..

Si Otong melihat Belut......

Suatu hari si Otong yang baru berusia 6 tahun bertanya kepada ibunya : "Bu, pacaran itu apa sih?"
Bingung bagaimana menjelaskannya ke si Otong, si Ibu berkata "kalo elu memang mau tau pacaran itu apa, nanti sore elu ngumpet aja dibalik gordeng di ruang tamu karena hari ini kebetulan hari sabtu dan kakak elu si Minah kan pasti didatengin ama pacarnya si Udin. Jadi elu bisa tau pacaran itu apa!"

Si Otong pun menjelang sore sudah ngumpet di belakang Gordeng di ruang tamu tanpa diketahui si Minah yang akan diapelin malam minggu sama si Udin Pacarnya.

Menjelang malam si Udin pun datang dan mulai ngobrol di ruang tamu :
"Nyak Babeh ada Nah?" tanya di Udin
"Kebetulan lagi pergi kondangan malem ini", jawab si Minah
"Nah asyik donk kita bisa bebas" komentar si Udin dalem hati
Merasa aman hanya berdua di rumah, di Udin pun ngapel habis-habisan bareng si Minah, sampe menjelang malem di pamit pulang sebelum orang tua si Minah pulang.

Keesokan harinya si Otong menghampiri ibunya dan mengatakan bahwa dia sudah tau pacaran itu apa !
"Kalo kamu memang sudah tau coba ceritakan ke ibu pacaran itu apa?" tanya si Ibu kepada Otong
si Otong lalu menjelaskan :
"Tadi malem mpok Minah duduk berdua bareng bang Udin di bangku,nggak lama setelah ngobrol mereka berdua kemudian menempelkan bibirnya dan kemudian bang Udin matanya melotot dan melihat muka mpok minah merah. lalu memeriksa jantung mpok minah, tapi karena tidak tau letak jantungnya dimana tangan bang Uding terus bergerak kekanan dan kekiri. Tak lama kemudian bang Udin gelisah karena ada sesuatu di celananya dan memang benar setelah membuka resleting celananya ternyata ada belut keluar dari dalam celana bang Udin. Merasa kasihan mpok Minah berusaha menangkap belut tersebut dan mencoba membunuhnya dengan meremas-remas belut yan ada dalam celana bang Udin. Karena belut itu tidak mati-mati walaupun diremas-remas kemudian belut itu dimakan oleh mpok Minah dan bang Udin meringis kesakitan karena ternyata belut itu masih hidup ternyata walaupun mpok minah telah memakan belut itu, karena merasa kasihan kepada bang Uding, mpok Minah segera melepas semua celananya dan menduduki belut !
tersebut supaya mati. tetapi ternyata belut itu memang kuat sampe mpok Minah menduduki belut itu berkali-kali sementara bang Udin merintih kesakitan karena belutnya belum mati juga. Akhirnya belut itu muntah dan mati diduduki mpok minah dan bang udin pun meringis senang karena belut itu sudah mati"..demikian cerita si Otong.
Mendengar cerita si Otong tersebut, sang Ibu spontan jatuh pingsan!!!!

sekertaris n raja minyak

Adalah kisah seorang sekretaris nan cantik ditugaskan oleh bosnya untuk menemani seorang raja minyak dr Arab yang menjadi klien penting bagi perusahaannya.
Tertarik oleh kecantikannya, si raja tiba-tiba memintanya untuk menikahinya. Tentu saja sekretaris itu terkejut namun ia teringat perintah bosnya untuk tidak mengecewakan kliennya itu dalam bentuk apapun.
Karena itu, ia memikirkan cara untuk menolak ajakannya dengan halus. "Baiklah, aku akan menikah denganmu dengan 3 syarat. Pertama, aku mau cincin kimpoi berlian 75 karat bertahtakan intan bermahkota tiga 200 karat."
Si raja terpekur sejenak dan kemudian mengangguk, "Ok, ok ana felikan, ana felikan"
Menyadari keadaan ini, si wanita kembali memikirkan syarat yang lebih susah. "OK, kedua, aku mau kamu buatkan istana di New York berkamar 100 dan sebagai rumah peristirahatan, aku mau vila di tengah kota Paris dengan 200 orang pelayan, 10 Ferarri dan 5 pesawat jet pribadi."
Sang raja minyak kembali terpekur, mengambil hand-phonenya dan mengontak sana sini. "Ok, ok, ana fuatkan, ana fuatkan"
"Gawat !", pikir si sekretaris. Dengan peluh sebesar kacang kedelai, ia kembali memikirkan syarat terakhir. Akhirnya, ia merasa mendapatkan syarat yang nyaris mustahil bisa dikabulkan oleh si raja ini.
Sambil mengedipkan mata, ia berkata, "Oh, baiklah. Ini yang terakhir. Aku suka sekali dengan seks dan karenanya aku mau laki-laki yg menjadi suamiku mempunyai penis sepanjang 30 cm."
Si raja minyak tampak kaget dan kecewa sekali dengan syarat terakhir ini. Ia menutup wajahnya dengan kedua tangan sambil sesenggukan.
Akhirnya, sambil mengusap air mata dan menatap wanita itu dengan sedih, ia berkata,
"Ok, ok, ana fotong... ana fotong deh ... !

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Astro Boy (2009)

Set in futuristic Metro City, Astro Boy is about a young robot with incredible powers created by a brilliant scientist in the image of the son he has lost. Unable to fulfill the grieving man's expectations, our hero embarks on a journey in search of acceptance, experiencing betrayal and a netherworld of robot gladiators, before he returns to save Metro City and reconcile with the father who had rejected him.

Action / Animation / Science Fiction

Angels & Demons (2009)

Harvard symbologist Robert Langdon works to solve a murder and prevent a terrorist act against the Vatican.


Crime / Drama / Mystery / Thriller

Dance Flick (2009)

Rumored plot outline: A comedy about a rich, suburban white girl named Tracy Transfat who gets into a series of misadventures when she moves to the inner-city.

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (2009)

As Harry Potter begins his 6th year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, he discovers an old book marked mysteriously "This book is the property of the Half-Blood Prince" and begins to learn more about Lord Voldemort's dark past.

Tale of Despereaux, The (2008)

Once upon a time, in the faraway kingdom of Dor, there was magic in the air, raucous laughter aplenty and gallons of mouth-watering soup. But a terrible accident left the king broken-hearted, the princess filled with longing and the townsfolk despondent. All hope was lost in a land where sunlight disappeared and the world became dreary gray. Until Despereaux Tilling was born...

A brave and virtuous mouse, Despereaux is simply too big for his small world. Though tiny, wheezy and saddled with comically oversized ears, Despereaux refuses to live a life of weakness and fear...believing he was destined to be celebrated in the tales of chivalry he so adores.

When he’s banished from his home for not following the rules that society expects of a mouse, Despereaux befriends fellow outcast Roscuro, a good-hearted rat who can’t bear to look in the mirror and hopes to live far from the grim underground of his kind. While Despereaux begins his noble quest to rescue Pea—a princess who can’t see beyond her distorted view of the world—his pal Roscuro receives a painful rejection from her highness that sets him on a course of self-destruction.

Along their parallel adventures, the two encounter colorful characters from a serving girl who wishes to be a princess to the evil leader of the sewer rats, who plots revenge on humans from his fiefdom in the subterranean shadows he relishes but Roscuro can’t abide.

From the highest turrets of the glittering castle to the dankest dark of Dor’s sewers, friendships will be tested as Despereaux and Roscuro embark upon a journey that will change the way they look at their world—and themselves—forever. In this tale of bravery, forgiveness and redemption, one tiny creature will teach a kingdom that it takes only a little light to show that what you look like doesn’t equal what you are.

The soybean saga

A 150 percent surge in the price of soybeans, the main ingredient
of tempeh, over the past six months has been a huge blow to
tempeh chip makers like Sentot.
With another 20 percent rise in the price of cooking oil in
the last week, the 37-year-old Sentot is struggling to keep his
business running.
Producing 60 kilograms of chips daily, before the price surge,
Sentot usually pocketed a net profit of Rp 100,000 (US$11)
per day. Now, he earns around Rp 60,000 a day, a 40 percent
drop in daily profits.
The native of Blimbing, Malang, however, has no other choice
but to keep producing the chips because the business is the main
source of income for him and his wife, Denny Istanti, 35.
He raised the price of his tempeh chips from Rp 21,000 a kilo
to Rp 24,000 two weeks ago, but is still losing profits. He does
not dare raise prices again for fear of losing all his customers.
Sentot can only hope soybean prices will come down so he will
not have to raise the price of his chips or, even worse, lay off
his seven workers.
"Let's hope that the government listens," he said with a sigh.

Tisna Sanjaya: Powerful works of passion and compassion

In Indonesia, graphic art has never been at an equal level of appreciation as other genres, such as for instance, painting.

But the works of Tisna Sanjaya, currently on show at the National Gallery in Jakarta, may be a turning point for those who care to take a look. Mostly dark and stirring, sometimes light colored and humorous, his works explore the theme of violence in politics, religion and the environment, within which humanity is all-encompassing.

His empathy for the less fortunate is expressed through the graphic means of drawing, etching, drypint, aquapoint, mixed media, installations and weekly local TV broadcast.

Strongly influenced by the early European classical technique of etching and German expressionists like Kaethe Kollwitz who used her art to change society against all odds, Tisna uses the technique to take a personal viewpoint, creating real meaning from contemporary existence in the Indonesian context.

It is no surprise that the works made during his study and residency in Germany are the most powerful. It is there, in a situation of aloneness -- a foreigner amid the somber weather dominating life in Germany -- that Tisna was able to full and intense concentration.

It was as if he dived into a black hole , he said, where no else but his artistic activity mattered. His etchings of this time reveal profound sadness about repression at home that was killing not only the lives of people , but also creative thinking and cultural development. His etchings in the Theater series carry titles like Teater Absurd, Teater Rhinoceros, Teater Kuda Lumping, featuring intricately drawn images that ridicule the political stage in his homeland.

Other works from this period, like Hentikan Kekerasan (Stop Violence) and Katarsis, feature figures or faces trapped in a mesh of bold lines, revealing his saddening of what was happening to artists.

Of course, his thoughts of what happened in Indonesia, was sharpened by happenings in other countries, and his readings of international events. The large works, a series of 14 panels, titled Amnesia Cultura encompasses all the issues of repression, violence and hardships featuring his body print shaped by ash and pulverized charcoal around it.

The influence of the European classics continues to be seen in his more recent works that make a lot of use of mixed media.

This is particularly true in the series of Wajah Wajah Peradaban (Faces of Civilization), where sickles are used to shape the sad facial expression.

"The sickle", says Tisna,"is a major tool in the work of the lower class people. It is disappearing in our modern society, but what have we got to replace it?"

The depletion of water sources is a concern that is expressed in a showing of works on canvas that were shaped by the stain of polluted water sources in various villages in West Java. The water of these sources was also gathered in small containers that build up a huge figure in the entrance of the gallery, reflecting the power of the issue.

Social issues have always been part of Tisna's work. When one of his works was burnt by city cleaners who supposedly took it for waste, he gathered the ashes, put it in small bottles that later appeared as a new creation, an installation that tells of life that comes after death.

In the same vain, he collected the remains of a fire that amid a major book market in Bandung, to make his mixed media work titled Palasari.

Tisna Sanjaya is a devout Muslim, who is deeply saddened by the manipulation of religion for personal or political purposes. He does not react with anger, but tries to profess his faith as he thinks is the essence of Islam to which he adheres.

He says for him to be a Muslim is to do good things through which correction of impositions should be amended. In one of the villages in West Java, for instance, he has bought a piece of land where he plans to build a school for children.

"The village used to be thoroughly Moslem, but now commercial and political concerns have taken preference. So I would like to provide education and the basic values for the young."

Another social and educative activity is his weekly TV programs in which he twist the Kabayan, a traditional lazy and unattentive figure, to an active observer of social conditions with great wit and humor. He says the program has succeeded in making the local government aware of certain situations that needed to be tackled.

The exhibition of Tisna Sanjaya's works is an important as it encompasses a huge variety of works and mediums, rarely shown. It is therefore regrettable that no thorough attention was given to the catalog, which would have been able to grant the exhibition a longer life after it is closed.

While the curatorial essays omit to enlighten the public with a discussion of one or two specific works, the paper quality of the catalog and the pictures of the works fail to do justice to the greatness of his oeuvre.

Muslim fashion giving a nod to spandex

Breaking through the mold of sequined tunics and abaya, fashion brand Up2date has stormed the Indonesian market with comfortable pieces using fabric that was once unthinkable for Islamic fashion wear: cotton spandex.

Since the opening of their first store in Bandung two years ago, the brand has aggressively expanded, with 17 stores across Indonesia and sales representatives in Dubai and Tehran.

Introducing a mix and match concept by providing colorful clothing pieces with fashionable cuts using comfortable fabric, the fashion label makes it possible for Muslim women opting to cover up according to religious teachings in their own personal style.

"Women who have decided to wear a jilbab (headscarf) of course do not want to lose their character in the way they dress," Up2date manager Tia said Wednesday.

"Often, the desire to wear jilbab has always been there but there is no Islamic wear that suits their character, making them indecisive about wearing the jilbab. By giving women the option to mix and match clothes made from comfortable fabric, they can adjust the clothes to their own style."

The popularity and acceptance of the jilbab began to surge in the late 1990s, triggering the development of Islamic fashion in Indonesia. With the majority of the population adhering to Islam, Indonesia has a huge potential market.

In Indonesia, except in the province of Nangroe Aceh Darussalam, most adults wearing the jilbab do so based on personal choice.

Islamic wear in Indonesia has always been colorful and rich in appliqu‚s such as embroidery and sequins. However, the designs are usually a two or three piece set, using heavy fabrics.

Tia said Up2date wanted to change perceptions of Islamic wear. "We want to change the perception of Islamic fashion from being heavy to being light."

The design team -- Rani, Rini, Fetik and Lia -- outsmart the characteristics of cotton spandex, which was usually avoided due the fabric's tendency to show the body's curves, by adding volume in the chest part by applying pleats to form ripples and ribbing the waistline to make voluminous blousons.

Up2date held their first fashion show Wednesday in Four Seasons Hotel Jakarta, with the theme "Transconic", a compound from Transformation and Iconic.

"That represents a change in perception towards Islamic fashion and also we want to be the Icon of Islamic fashion," Tia said.

Their signature style, she said, was summarized by 3Cs: Chic, Comfort and Covered Up.

The fashion show exhibited 80 designs in four sequences -- Iconic, Urban, Nature Spirit and Mutation.

The Iconic sequence showed tunics with asymmetrical cuts. The colors were mostly different hues of purple with tinges of blue and yellow. A model walked in a long-sleeved blouson with a big cotton belt and a wide long A-line skirt. The headscarves were wrapped simply over the head, without showing any hint of hair.

In the Urban sequence, a model donning big black sunglasses wore a long white collared buttoned shirt and black wide flared pants. She wore a black bustier and light blue suspenders on top of the shirt, giving an edgy feel to it.

The clothes during the next sequence, Nature Spirit, were inspired by environmental issues. The color palettes were moss green, red and chocolate. Floral prints on sleeveless dresses worn on top of long-sleeved shirts were also on show.

Meanwhile, the designers in the Mutation sequence, showed a lot of stacking of clothes and fabric on models. They mixed a loose knee-length ribbed jersey dress on top of pencil trousers.

Capes were also introduced as well. Tia said capes were a good way to cover up the chest.

Up2Date will be opening a new store in Pondok Indah Mall next year. With a production capacity of 5,000 to 12,000 pieces per month, Tia Wigati said Up2Date were planning to open six new outlets in Indonesia and Southeast Asia.

Population Trends in Indonesia

The first comprehensive demographic study of Indonesia, this book makes an important contribution to the understanding of the political and economic problems – both past and present – of the world’s fourth most populous country. It demonstrates that the period 1970 to 1980 will be particularly crucial for Indonesia and will require careful social and economic planning.

The author, who is acknowledged to be Indonesia’s foremost economist-demographer, amasses and corrects population estimates made during the era of Dutch rule, including material from as early as 1775. He discusses the census of 1930 and the impact of events of the 1940’s – World War II, the Japanese occupation, and the Indonesian revolution – on population trends. He points out, for example, that low birth and high mortality rates during the subsequent period, suggest that the mean age of Indonesia’s working age population is undergoing a radical rejuvenation.

Using the census of 1961 as a base, Mr. Widjojo projects Indonesia’s population to 1991, forecasting the probable growth rates of the total population and of its various components. He shows how the population breaks down into extremely uneven age groups and suggests the serious consequences of this situation. He emphasizes that the dramatic increases in the number of 15-to-24-year-olds that occurred in the population during the second half of the 1960’s and that are projected for the 1970’s make careful preparation for the future imperative if crises in the labor market and in the field of education are to be dealt with successfully.

Population Trends in Indonesia, now brought back to life as a member of Equinox Publishing’s Classic Indonesia series, serves as a model for future research and proves invaluable to economic and social planners working throughout the developing world.

Designers reveal new trends for 2009

A fashion show last week at the Jakarta Convention Center showed a line up of modified jodhpurs, high-heeled ankle boots worn with hosiery, plenty of black and shiny fuchsia-colored fabrics, and a designer bent for draped dresses.

The two-day Fashion Exploration 2009, sponsored by the Indonesian Fashion Designers Association (APPMI) was that industry group's introduction of next year's collections.

The selection of outfits presented in the show showed APPMI designers were giving a nod to the Greek-goddess style of draped dresses, showing off their knack in the intricate moulage technique, where designs are cut and shaped directly on dummies.

More than 800 designs from 58 designers were showcased in the event. APPMI chairman, designer Taruna Kusmayadi, said the association carried out a tight screening to select the designers who would participate in the event. The association has 147 members.

Themed "Overture in Harmony", Taruna Kusmayadi said the event was meant to trigger fresh ideas about how to reshape Indonesia's ethnic designs in a modern way.

"Our designs can form the basis for patterns, embroidery, patchwork, accessories, or other innovation and modification in various mediums and textures," he said. The designs could come from batik patterns, Javanese gebyok door carvings, temple reliefs, and other traditions, he said.

The fashion event showed apparel in five different categories -- Muslim wear, ethnic, cocktail, contemporary, and evening wear. The event also held a dedicated show for senior fashion designer and APPMI founder Poppy Dharsono. The 55-year-old industry leader used the occasion to launch her book, Redefining Heritage, about her 32 years in fashion designing.

For the fashion show, local cosmetics producer Sari Ayu painted the faces of all the models in their newest 2009 palette Cantika Jawa Timur. Inspired by East Javanese signature icons, Sari Ayu referenced the red and gold from the Reog Ponorogo traditional dance costumes as well as the blues and greens of the rambling peacocks in Alas Purwo national park.

The man who stole the show during Fashion Exploration was unquestionably Bali-based designer Oka Diputra. His clean cuts and cutting-edge designs, displayed during the second day of the event, were a breath of fresh air after the over-the-top draped dresses in previous sessions.

Titled Mille et Une Fleur (A thousand and one flowers), his collection combines inspiration from Japanese origami folding and moulage. The result is short, knee-length, and long pants so loose they fall like dresses. His tops combine Japanese kimono presentation with draped lapels.

His first exhibit was a pair of black high-waist knee-length jersey pants with a red high-collared wrap top. The model wore red leather gloves, and extreme high-heeled semi-ankle boots decorated with tassels.

Sticking to his signature colors, Oka played with basic black and red using Balinese cotton and Thai and Vietnamese silk for the origami appliqu*. He used knots and the minimum of buttons for fastenings, never zippers.

Oka said he was inspired by the three-dimensional shapes of flowers, especially tulips in this particular collection. "I try to emulate a tulip by using clean-cut moulage techniques," he said.

Aside from Oka, other established names such as Sophie, Malik Mustaram, Putu Aliki, Lenny Agustin, Defrico Audi, Deden Siswanto, Rudy Chandra and Taruna offered up the gems of the show, shining through the other designs which were just a little better than mediocre.

Lenny was true to her ethnically inspired line. In her collection Tea Time, she presented colorful modified kebaya (traditional sheer blouse), miniskirts and capri pants combined with patterned purple hosiery.

Sophie introduced jodhpurs in his collection. He playfully matched vertical black and white stripes with polka dot prints. His tops brandished 70s-inspired boho sleeves.

The flirtatious and bold designs of Malik's Spanish-inspired collection drew cheers from the crowd. The models donned a sultry look and walked the runway in high-waist tight capri pants. The 20-year-old model Dominique strutted in shiny lime green hot pants with a white torero.

At the end of Malik's show, one photographer shouted, "Long live Malik!".

While some designs shone through, the show also had boring offerings and even disappointing ones. There was a yawning gap in technique, finishing, and idea development between the designers mentioned above and the younger set.

A torn sleeve and repeated glimpses of uncut threads flowing from a dress showed some shoddy or inexperienced presentation. As for ideas, some designers think being creative means a dress should drip with crystal embroidery, heavy draping or shredding the fabric into tufts.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

U2 To Release New Album, No Line On The Horizon, In March

U2 have locked down a date for one of the first big releases of 2009. The veteran rockers have announced that they will drop their 12th album, No Line on the Horizon on March 2. 

The CD, which was originally expected for release this year, is the follow-up to 2004's 9 million-selling How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb. It was produced by a trio of the band's longtime collaborators, Brian Eno, Steve Lillywhite and Daniel Lanois. 

Sessions for the set began in Fez, Morocco, in 2007 and continued into 2008 with tracks recorded in U2's Dublin studios, then in New York and wrapping up recently in London. Rick Rubin had produced some material for the group at one point in the process, but apparently those sessions will not appear on the final album. 

After reportedly recording more than 50 songs, the band said they felt they needed a few more before they were done with the project, according to Interscope/ Geffen/ A&M chairman Jimmy Iovine. "I met with the guys in U2, and they say to me, 'You know what? This album needs two more songs, and it will be exactly what we have in mind.' I go there and I listen, and I agreed with them," Iovine told Billboard in November. "It's a great record, but it deserves the time. Labels need to work with artists to help them achieve their best work, not to jam records out that are half-baked or three-quarters baked." 

The first single has not yet been announced, but the U2 Web site reported in early November that the group were "holed up in a warehouse on the outskirts of London" shooting a video with director Alex Courtes (White Stripes, Daft Punk), who also lensed the clips for the songs "Vertigo" and "City of Blinding Lights" from Atomic Bomb. "Performing a brand-new song, the band worked on the shoot from late morning till late night," the post reported. "The elegantly mustachioed Courtes directing proceedings on the green stage. We are sworn to secrecy on the finer details of the shoot ... but there may have been some marching girls involved. With their boots on." 

Billboard reported that the album is expected to feature the title track, as well as the songs "Moment of Surrender" and "Unknown Caller." 

No Line on the Horizon will be the first album from U2 since they signed a 12-year multi-million dollar deal with mega-promoter Live Nation earlier this year, under which the company handles the band's merchandising, Web site and branding rights, but does not release their music. Live Nation was forced to take a $19 million loss earlier this week, reported, when the group sold back some shares in the company, which the promoter had to buy according to terms stipulated in the band's deal. 

U2 plan to tour on the album in 2009.

Eye Glasses

 Glasses, spectacles, or eyeglasses are frames-
bearing lenses worn in front of the eyes normally for vision correction or eye protection or for protection from UV rays. Special glasses are used for viewing three-dimensional images from two-dimensional displays or experiencing virtual reality. 

Modern glasses are typically supported by pads on the bridge of the nose and by temples placed over the ears. Historical types include the pince-nez, monocle, and lorgnette.Glasses frames are commonly made from metal, horn or plastic. Lenses were originally made from glass, but many are now made from various types of plastic. These materials reduce the danger of breakage and weigh less than glass lenses. Some plastics also have more advantageous optical properties than glass, such as better transmission of visible light and greater absorption of ultraviolet light. Some plastics have a greater index of refraction than most types of glass; this is useful in the making of corrective lenses shaped to correct vision abnormalities such as myopia, allowing thinner lenses for a given prescription. 

Scratch-resistant coatings can be applied to most plastic lenses giving them similar scratch resistance to glass. Hydrophobic coatings designed to ease cleaning are also available, as are anti-reflective coatings intended to improve night vision and make the wearer's eyes more visible.

Some glasses are not designed for vision correction. Safety glasses are a kind of eye protection against flying debris or against visible and near visible light or radiation. Sunglasses allow better vision in bright daylight, and may protect against damage from high levels of ultraviolet light. Some glasses are also designed purely for aesthetic values, or for fashion values.

Playing host: Punch-drunk edition

Although every last piece of expertise we offer on this site—whether it pertains to cell phones or sexual positions—is thoroughly researched by someone who actually knows what the hell they're talking about, I do reserve the right to do the occasional spot-check. And while I've yet to try on a pair of the studded combat boots Louis Terline of Oak recommended in our Fall 2008 buyer's guide (or to take the "wheelbarrow" out for a spin), this past weekend I made a big old mess of my kitchen trying to whip up a few of the items from our recently published home entertaining guide. I did this not because I doubted the wisdom of Mr. Matt Schneier, who pulled the package together with the help of experts like chef Bryan Calvert, but because my wife and I were hosting our own little shindig on Saturday night, and I was sick of the same old Barbera and bruschetta.

I am pleased to report that the dishes I tried—smoked salmon-wrapped asparagus, crème fraîche and caviar fingerlings, and toad-in-a-hole—were truly and honestly delicious (and yes, I'm a little biased). But my reason for writing today concerns the wickedly potent punch recipe that Mr. Schneier and our consulting mixologist, Jim Meehan, adapted from some boozy fifties-era entertaining guide. The list of ingredients read like Don Draper's inevitable toxicology report—one cup each of bourbon, Cognac, and rum, plus Benedictine, bitters, and a bottle of Champagne—and the resulting elixir, while quite tasty, was also strong enough to peel paint. Seriously, put a shot in a beer, and you've basically got a Boilermaker. Not such a bad thing when you're trying to get a friend's frosty wife to loosen up for once, but problematic when you're playing host and find yourself the next day trying to remember which snippet of conversation goes with which guest. So consider yourself warned. If I had it to do over, I might've stopped after my third cupful—although, potent as that stuff is, it'd take more than four servings to get me into those boots.

P.S. On the off chance you're unable to resist the siren call of that fifth or sixth glass, know that we've also recently published a Hotlist of the best hangover cures.


Around the turn of the 21st century, hipster

trousers became highly fashionable for women. The micro has been reworked as an even less substantial beltskirt, which is more an evocation of the idea of a skirt than something that covers anything substantial. It may perhaps also provide rhythm for the hipline[citation needed]. Due to its revealing nature, the beltskirt is rarely worn in public. Miniskirts are also seen worn over trousers or jeans, or with leggings that provide coverage of each leg from above the knee. Although "floaty" skirts were most closely associated with the boho look of the mid noughties, short skirts also featured in some outfits and in London, for example, minis were more widespread during the hot summer of 2006 than for several years, a trend that continued through the mild autumn and winter and into the following summer. Mini skirts are now becoming more common for younger generations

In the 1980s, short skirts began to re-emerge, notably in the form of "rah-rahs", which were modelled on those worn by female cheerleaders at sporting and other events. In the mid-80s the "puffball" skirt enjoyed short term popularity, being worn by, among others, the Princess of Wales and singers Pepsi and Shirlie.[5] Many women began to incorporate the miniskirt into their business attire, a trend which grew during the remainder of the century. Films and television series made in the mid-1990s (Friends, Sex and the City, Ally McBeal, for example) show how ubiquitous the mini had become again. In the BBC TV series Keeping Up Appearances (1990-5) the snobbish Hyacinth Bucket was frequently outraged by the brevity of her sister Rose's skirts.

The miniskirt was further popularised by André Courrèges, who developed it separately and incorporated it into his Mod look, for spring/summer 1965. His miniskirts were less body-hugging, and worn with the white "Courrèges boots" that became a trademark. By introducing the miniskirt into the haute couture of the fashion industry, Courrèges gave it a greater degree of respectability than might otherwise have been expected of a street fashion.


Hidup Carl Allen (Jim Carrey) tidak menentu – dipenuhi oleh kata “tidak” – hingga ia mengikuti program dengan menyetujui untuk selalu berkata “YA” – katakan YA untuk segalanya…Kekuatan kata YA merubah hidup Carl secara drastis dengan cara yang luar biasa dan tak terduga, mendapatkan promosi di kantor dan terbukanya kembali kehidupan cintanya. Namun semua keinginannya terwujud terlalu mudah…..


Skeeter Bronson (Adam Sandler), seorang karyawan hotel dimana hidupnya berubah saat ia berdongeng sebelum tidur untuk dua keponakannya dan kisah-kisah tersebut ternyata menjadi kenyataan. Ia memutuskan untuk terlibat dalam fenomena itu, menyatu dengan imajinasinya sendiri, berpetualang di dunia dongeng. Namun yang tak terduga adalah kontribusi kedua keponakannnya dalam kisah-kisah dongengnya turut mengubah hidup Skeeter


Reporter televisi Angela Vidal (Jennifer Carpenter) dan penata kamera (Steve Harris) ditugaskan meliput kegiatan Petugas Pemadam Kebakaran pada malam hari. Setelah panggilan rutin dari 911 membawa mereka kesebuah apartemen kecil, polisi telah di lokasi menanggapi sebuah teriakan berdarah yang datang dari salah satu unit apartemen tersebut. Mereka segera mengetahui bahwa seorang wanita telah terinfkesi sesuatu tak dikenal. Setelah beberapa penghuni diserang, mereka mencoba melarikan diri bersama kru media, namun CDC mengarantina gedung tersebut

Akses telfon, internet, televise dan telfon genggam diputus dan para petugas tidak menginformasikan kepada mereka yang masih terkunci di dalamnya. Saat karantina diberlakukan, satu-satunya saksi tentang apa yang terjadi di dalam gedung adalah kamera milik kru media

Mens Casual

Men's classic twill pants that are made just for
your choice.
You choose your style (including plain or pleated front) and fit preferences
Worry Free™ finish stays crisp and clean. Dual-action stain-release and repel protection leaves you looking neat all day
Wrinkle-free so they're ready to wear right out of the dryer
Permanent crease stays neat

Your favorite men's pants in a fit tailored to you, plus all the features you've come to expect from JCPenney. Reinforced stitching at buttons and stress points for durability. Polyester/cotton. Washable. Men's custom-fit pants are imported.

Custom fit for your likenes
With inseams up to 40" and the following waists:
Regular Waists from 28 to 46
in ½" increments.
Big Waists from 46-1/2 to 60
in ½" increments.

Short Hair Style

Another important thing to consider with a short hair cut is the maintenance. Depending on your hair cut and hair type, short hair needs to be trimmed even if you're trying to grow it. Your hair grows at different rates and it will look uneven after a month, so it still needs a regular trim to keep it looking its best.

you wanting to take the plunge and go for a short hair style? A short hair style that suits your face and your personality can drastically improve the way you feel, by boosting your confidence and making you look younger!The type of hair style you can wear is best determined by the shape of your face and head.A short hairstyle on a woman can be sleek, sophisticated. It can be cute and perky. It can be funky and cool.It appears that the shagged short hair styles with sharp edges is phasing out and the graduated cut with flexible layers is in. Some women alternate their short hair styles between slicked back to curly to wearing it straight.

Prom Hair Style

Beautiful hair is a woman's most notice- able feminine feature. The right prom hair- styles are crucial to looking your best on prom night. Your prom hair needs to accentuate your dress, your makeup, and your face.The side sections of hair are swept up and loosely pinned into a cascade of soft messy loops

that trickle seductively from the top of the crown down to the nape of the neck

Bob Hair Style

Wear this bob style curved under, as show or tuck the sides behi- nd your ears.The bob hairstyle is very popul- ar, but can you wear it with your face shape. The Bob hair cut is one of those classics hairstyles that seem to never go out of trend. No matter which Bob hair cut you choose 

More layering will rele- ase your natural curl to form this curly Bob. 



The Style

Emo hair is a "unisex" style with a very specific look -- short-ish in the back, graduating down to a long, heavy, sweeping fringe that covers one eye. 

Straight hair is best for this look. If your hair has some wave, you'll benefit from using a                                                                 straightening iron. 

The shorter hair at the back is spiked upward -- sometimes a little, sometimes A LOT. 

Traditional emo hair is black, but as the style has evolved, many variations have developed. Variations in both style and color. Bright highlights woven into the hair add a vibrant touch to personalize the look even more. 


Many people who are not followers of Emo music have adopted the look simply because they like the style. 

A milder version, still maintaining the feel of the Emo style, is an option for those who don't want to take the look to the extreme. Some elements of the emo hairstyle are featured, but they are more moderate and better suited for an everyday look. 

Without a doubt, the most important feature of emo hair is the long bangs sweeping off to one side. However, in the renewed and more popular versions, bangs don't need to be so overbearing.

This Just In: Orchard Street Re-Up Lux sneakers for Reebok


Reebok hasn't exactly been at the forefront of innovation in the kicks business over the past ten years (Voltron sneaks, anyone?), but the company's most recent collaboration strikes us as noteworthy. The brand has partnered with Orchard Street, the low-profile (read: hard-to-get) New York-based streetwear brand that's a favorite of folks like Jay-Z and Nas. The result is the Re-Up Lux, available today. Designed by the OS team, the canvas and suede footwear is available in a range of early-nineties colorways, but remains relatively restrained in styling (except the side laces, that is). They give us hope for Reebok's future—or a full-on sneaker line from Orchard Street.
$90, available at
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